Surveillance investigations designed for results
If you’re planning a DIY surveillance investigation think again.
Why? Because the chances are you’ll get caught – and then what?
The suspect will change their behaviour and your chance to catch them will be gone.
Surveillance investigators
Professional surveillance investigators are highly trained. Our investigators are trained to nationally approved standards. Part of our training is to avoid being detected and instead secure the evidence you need to solve your problem.
When conducting a surveillance investigation we often use more than one investigator and each is equipped with state of the art recording and communications equipment. This equipment includes:
- High definition video cameras
- Covert video and audio recording devices
- Professional long range cameras
- GPS satellite navigation
- Hands free encrypted communications

All of this means that we can follow the person in question without losing track of them or arousing suspicion.
Where necessary we can continue surveillance on foot and use our equipment to get up close and personal and to pick up conversations in crowded locations.
Call us and ask about our surveillance investigations
When we conduct surveillance we do so in a lawful manner and we do it as quickly as possible. Why is speed important? Because it reduces the cost to you and more importantly, it reduces the chances of the suspect becoming suspicious and changing their behaviour.
In addition to the personal equipment available to each of our operatives we can also provide:
- Covert vehicles – where static or prolonged cost effective surveillance is required
- Specialist covert rural equipment which allows surveillance in situations that may otherwise be difficult
Surveillance in action
We were hired by a business struggling with an an employee who was claiming to be unfit for work as a driver. The employee claimed to have an ailment with his eyes. We captured the employee on camera playing golf. The client commented that the “evidence provided was way above par”. The video recording was submitted as evidence at the employee’s disciplinary hearing.
Surveillance to prevent loss & disruption
We were hired by a large food production plant where staff were setting off fire alarms at various locations to get out of work. The client had suffered huge losses in down time throughout the plant not to mention the waste of fire brigade resources when sent to investigate the false alarm. A number of hidden cameras were installed and the culprit was caught and reported to the police.
Call us now on 0141 548 8055 for a free and confidential telephone consultation.
Or click here to enquire online.
Boothroyd Associates Ltd provides a professional investigation service across the UK. Members of: The Institute of Professional Investigators, Ex Police in Industry and Commerce, the World Association of Professional Investigators and registered with the Information Commissioner.
We provide a professional trustworthy service, we are regulated and act in accordance with the law at all times.