Our computer forensics service assists businesses across the UK
Our clients suspected an employee of misusing a company laptop to access pornographic material on the Internet.
Cursory examination of the employee’s laptop showed no such material. However, further examination of the laptop using specialist forensic techniques did uncover evidence of contentious material.
In this instance the material did not amount to criminal behaviour, but the individual concerned was subject to disciplinary proceedings which led to his dismissal from the company.
The forensics techniques used in this case would have been sufficient for criminal court proceedings if the need had arisen.
Do you suspect computer misuse within your home or business? Call now on 0141 548 8055 and find out more about how we can help.
Or click here to enquire online.
Boothroyd Associates Ltd provides a professional investigation service across the UK. Members of: The Institute of Professional Investigators, Ex Police in Industry and Commerce, the World Association of Professional Investigators and registered with the Information Commissioner.
These are our guarantees to you that we provide a professional trustworthy service and act in accordance with the law at all times.